Friday, September 21, 2012

Turn Over!


Mark it!

Scene 45 Take 1!



Action indeed. Four full days of it now. Where does time fly to when your on set? Time doesn't even exist, just getting the shot list matters. Recent wrap time in the past few days has averaged around 1 AM in the morning. Last night was the most brutal, 3AM. Do the stresses and pressures of production strain the core of my brain and physical body? Yes...but I LOVE IT!!!

Imagine you have a hobby since childhood that you love to do. That hobby grows with you as you mature. In time, you realize it is a gift that comes from your maker. What do you want to do with that hobby when it becomes your career? As for me and my life, I want to honor and please God 100% by using these gifts and talents for His kingdom. Even when your on the production set and fighting to stay awake forcing your blood shot eyes to remain focused, there is a satisfaction and an exhilarating feeling that overcomes me. I can best describe it as fulfilling a purpose in life. Knowing you are right where you are supposed to be doing not only what you love, but what God wants. How could I know that my hobby would become by career that would carry on a message to a massive amount of people and spread a message that needs to be heard that once heard can influence and change a multitude of lives. I used to think media was just a passion of mine; however, now I realize this work can literally spare and plant seeds in lives.


Out heart and goal is to spread the idea of missions to the African Church, so they can in turn, spread the message to other nations and tribes.

Specific Prayer Requests:

Equipment to function properly
Actors performances smooth and convincing
Health of Crew (some including me caught cold on set)

Load In
Busy working the mind on the job, haha.

Good Friend of mine clapping the board! Thanks buddy

Actors, Director and DP

Now I'm busy doing something

DP intense focus pose, haha.

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