Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Friends,

Forgive the long delay for an update. As we all know, the cycle of daily life increases as the end of the year approaches. Sometimes I feel like a hamster in a hamster wheel (excuse the redundancy). Updates, wow, where do I begin? My grandma always said to start in a corner when facing an overwhelming task, where do I find a coner? I guess I'll recap the week.

Wednesday was a glorious day. Such a feeling of accomplishment, even more than hunger, as our team wrapped the final production day. Can you believe we're done already. I was just getting warmed up... Okay maybe I was rejoicing with everyone else, but that's not the point. Our sunburned noses and squinty eyes shined well for our last team photo. That was Wednesday.

Thursday was the day for shopping. My jeans were getting to worn and I can't say my new pair look much better. After convincing my feet to move, I headed out to meet some Kenyan friends and off we went to Toi Market. It was an arduous adventure! Feeling the ache from yesterday's production, I trudged along like a battle-warn trooper. In a strange yet understandable way, I believe God gave me the strength needed to shop. Now that is a loving God we serve! Even the simple things of life take so much energy when you finish a movie production.

Friday I convinced myself to sleep in. That was the plan. It was glorious, ingenious, wonderful until...a tiny knock came at 8 in the morning. Can you believe that my Kenyan friend was up and ready to go to see The Hobbit. Really... I only slept 5 hours the night before, which some people may be able to function on. Good for you if you can, but I can't. 9am rolls around and we're at the cinema, movie starts, 15mins in yawn, 30 mins in, nodding, 45mins in friend asks, "You sleepy?", reply with grunt... Oh what a cruel way to punish yourself. I turned in early Friday evening.

Saturday a new experience, prison ministry. What an amazing time! Our church went to Kamiti Maximum Security Prison. We visited a youth correctional institute. Was I scared? Ha! maybe a little. The ride there was scary and by God's grace we made it there alive after violating I'm sure more than a few traffic laws. Thankfully there are no dents from my head bouncing like a ping pong ball on the ride there. When we arrived, however, it was worth every painful experience. We meet so many young men all under 20 years of age serving their time, listening to their stories, praying with them, singing with them. It was amazing. I spoke with a young man whose name is Mustafa. He was caught for stealing. He's a muslim, and I shared the love of Christ the best I could with him. Maybe not smoothly, but God saw my effort. All the young men there were very hungry to hear from us. The concentration was unbroken. It was an incredible opportunity.

As Sunday rolled around I attended church. The message was about fasting and taking the body under submission. Really? A message about fasting before Christmas? That's just cruel. Indeed, even the pastor mentioned it in his sermon. Oh I love how the Lord works in my life. Isn't His word much more stronger than holidays? So feeling hungry this morning, I've respected the Lord's command to fast, and no, it's not because I am low on grocery's. Well...maybe it has something to do with it, but fasting and praying in the mornings have been very beneficial. That was Sunday.

Monday was another opportunity to minister to the lady's out of work on the side of the street corner. Bringing bread and coke to them, I tried to share the love of Christ. Actually, I was caught earlier in the day and Taini, one of the lady's, started to say, "Feed me; I'm hungry." I replied, "You are always hungry." It is true, but I couldn't walk away from the opportunity. Buying food and giving it to them, they saw it as Christmas spirit. I tried to explain it was not just because of Christmas, but because Jesus loves them. I do pray that He will manifest himself to each and every one of the lady's there. The Lord has given me such a heart for them.

Tuesday was a catch-up and work day. It was profitable, long, and actually kind of boring. That can be a good thing though. I finished editing the Behind the Scenes 3rd to last production day and have two more videos to go. Yay! Good job, David. They should be appearing on the Distant Boat website soon. Now, if you've made it this far in the update, I congratulate you and admire your endurance. Also, I wanted to leave you with the message of hope. Remember that God can use you where ever you are. Being a missionary is not just coming over seas. There is so much work to be done back home as well. I know that God will use us all where we are. I can't thank you enough for your support and prayers. Always remember that we serve a great and mighty God full of love, power, and he commands us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He also says to love one another. God has been putting so much love for His people in my heart and I'm overflowing with it. His commands and love is so good. I don't know about you, but I choose to obey His Word! May the Lord richly bless and manifest himself to you and have a merry Christmas!

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2

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